R&D innovation projects between Israeli and Swedish Start-ups, SME’s, MNEs, academia and research institutes, which are realized as part of The Connector will be financed via the Eurostars program.
- The Eurostars program is a part of the EUREKA framework, which is the leading European platform for industry-led, applied, close-to-market research.
- More information on the Eurostars program can be found here: www.eurostars-eureka.eu.
A digital partnering conference is organised on 9 June 2020, in order to facilitate:
- Industrial R&D partnering between the most technology intensive Israeli and Swedish Start-ups, SME’s, MNEs, academia and research institutes.
- Creation of new high tech R&D consortia between Israel and Sweden.
- For more info on the upcoming event, please here.
Following requirements will apply for consortia funding of market oriented Israeli-Swedish R&D projects.:
- R&D consortia must be led by a SME and comprised of at least one Israeli and one Swedish organisation.
- All Eurostars project consortia must submit a Project Outline (PO) to the Israeli Innovation Authority (IIA) and the Swedish innovation agency Vinnova no later than 10 July 2020.
- One copy of the PO is to be sent to IIA and one copy to Vinnova by e-mail to the contact persons stipulated below.
- All Israeli project partners are strongly advised to contact IIA to check national funding requirements.
- Project Outline template is found on this link.
- IIA and Vinnova will during July 2020 discuss the PO:s and synchronize their feedback before individual feedback letters are sent out to applicants.
- On 24 July 2020, IIA and Vinnova will provide applicants with feedback on their project ideas and whether or not is recommended to proceed and draft a full Eurostars proposal for submission to the next Eurostars deadline on 3 September 2020.
For further information on R&D project funding and for submission of Project Outlines (POs) please turn to:
- Israeli Innovation Authority (IIA)
- Sapir Shimoni, +972-3-5118143, sThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Vinnova
- Mr. Peter Lindberg, +46 8 473 31 93, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Mr. Tero Stjernstoft, +46 8 473 32 96, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.