The Connector for Transformational Healthcare of Tomorrow is a market oriented innovation accelerator. The aim is to connect Sweden's Tech in Health innovators with leading actors of the Israeli Tech in Health scene. It brings two global innovation leaders together to explore opportunities for long-lasting and mututally beneficial co-creations - Unleash unknown potential and accelerate the Transformational Healthcare of Tomorrow.
We invite Israel's and Sweden's industrial leaders, best in class academia, researchers and most innovative front runners to join us and discuss market oriented R&D projects.
When: September 12, 2023
Where: Mindspace, Tel Aviv (More info under "Venue & Accomodation"
For Swedish participants, The Connector is a 3 day program (11/9-13/9). A part from the match-making day on September 12, Swedish innovators will explore and get introduced to a network within the Israeli Tech in Health Ecosystem (11/9 & 13/9).